Docker multi-platform images

While building docker images very often we need to deploy it into a different CPU architecture than the one used to build the image.

For example you might be building in a Linux amd64 server but you’ll deploy into an IoT arm64 CPU (e.g. A RaspberryPi).

For such scenarios docker includes the buildx command, which takes care of multi-arch support for us.

Create builder with multi-arch support

Use the buildx command to create a specific builder that supports multi-arch image builds

docker buildx create --name <name_your_builder> --use

Some useful buildx commands:

# List all available builders
docker buildx ls

# Switch to a specific builder
docker buildx use hservices

# List all docker contexts
docker context ls

Building multi-arch image

Once you have created and selected your builder, you can use docker buildx build to create your image.

For this example:

  • We want to support linux/amd64 and linux/arm64 architectures
  • We have a dockerfile named: test.dockerimage
  • We’ll tag our image as: giobyte8/test:1.0.0
# Build and push image to registry
docker buildx build                       \
      --platform linux/amd64,linux/arm64  \
      -t giobyte8/test:1.0.0              \
      -f scanner.dockerfile               \
      --push                              \

You can remove the --push argument to prevent image from being uploaded to docker registry
