Secure sshd setup

Exposing a ssh server to the external world is dangerous since the server will receive a lot of login attempts from attackers.

A more secure approach is to expose it with following configs:

  1. Disable root ssh login
  2. Disable password login from external networks
  3. Allow password login from internal network
  4. Monitor auth activity

Disable root ssh login

WARN: Make sure you can login with a regular user before disabling root login

Set PermitRootLogin to no in /etc/ssh/sshd_config file within your server

sudo vim /etc/ssh/sshd_config

# Disable root login:
PermitRootLogin no

Then reload ssh config

sudo systemctl reload ssh

Disable password login from external networks

This method consists in using ssh keys for login instead of password. For that we’ll need to put client machines ssh public key into server’s ~/.ssh/authorized_keys file so that clients can authenticate using their shh private key

Your client machine may already have existing keys at ~/.ssh/ dir, keys files usually start with id_ prefix. You can use existing keys or create a new one (with different name).

  1. Generate ssh keys using ssh-keygen (if not previous key exists or custom key is desired)

    # Run below command and follow on screen instructions
    # Alternatively specify a custom file name if other key already exists
    ssh-keygen -f <custom_key_name>
  2. Add your public key to the server’s ~/.ssh/authorized_keys file

    # 'ssh-copy-id' can automate this step
    ssh-copy-id [email protected]
    # Alternatively if using a custom key file, indicate the identity
    ssh-copy-id -i <custom_key_name> [email protected]
  3. Test ssh key auth to verify it works from your client machine

    # It should login without asking for user password
    ssh [email protected]
  4. Disable password login

    WARN: Make sure ssh key login works before disabling password login

    Set PasswordAuthentication to no in server’s /etc/ssh/sshd_config file

    sudo vim /etc/ssh/sshd_config
    # Disable password login:
    PasswordAuthentication no

    Then reload ssh config

    sudo systemctl reload ssh

Repeat steps for each one of your client machines

Allow password login from internal network

As a fallback option you may want to enable password login from internal network only in case you lost your client machine or keys.

SSH allows to override config params using MATCH expressions. Add a block like below at end of /etc/ssh/sshd_config.

# Settings that override the global settings for matching IP addresses only
Match address
    PasswordAuthentication yes

Use your own home network(s) addresses

Then reload ssh config

sudo systemctl reload ssh

Monitor auth activity

Use following commands to view system authentication activity

  • sudo last Shows all successful logins and sessions length
  • sudo lastb Shows all failed attemps and the source IP
  • cat /var/log/auth.log Shows detailed authentication info
